My freshman year of high school my mom took me to T.J. Maxx and I bought my first pair of white jeans. I thought I was so cool because no one else had them! I wore those things to death, and came up with endless ways to wear them. My life was shaken when my favored white jeans finally bit the dust with a bit of a pen mark that refused to leave.
I think this left a deep wound that I never fully recovered from because I haven't had a pair of white jeans since. BUT...don't despair...I think I want to jump back on the ol' bicycle and buy a pair for the summer (and what's left of spring). What can I possibly wear with white jeans, you ask??! The better question is what can't you wear??! Above I've shown some casual options, but you can always throw on a blazer, trench or hey - something sparkly to jazz things up.
Don't be scared. Join me. And eat the spaghetti dinner and chocolate gelato with gusto!!
There are a ton of articles and videos out there to show you how to organize all your makeup, beauty and bath products. Most of them recycle the same information, but this video from PopSugar TV has a couple of ideas that really caught my attention: cork board on your medicine cabinet door, and using wrapping paper or wallpaper to line drawers and behind shelving. Plus, I really appreciate that they show you what specific organizing containers and tools were used! Now...if only it could all stay so perfectly in place...